Recipient Application

Recipient Application for Medical Supply Recipients

  • Thank you for your interest in Advocates for World Health. To learn more about Advocates for World Health, please proceed to the About Us page. We send out Donation Offers of mixed supplies in pallet form. Typically, each Donation Offer has 18 pallets to fill a 40’ shipping container. We send out two (2) Donation Offers bi-weekly and the first organization to respond as instructed in the introductory and offer emails will receive that Donation Offer. If you and your organization would like to participate in this program and receive our Donation Offer emails, please fill out the information below. Once we receive it, we will send you an introductory email and include you in the next offer cycle's email list.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Advocates for World Health Inc. is a 501(c)(3) and all donations are tax deductible. EIN 26-4695101.