Images & Impact Statements for Shipments of Donated Medical Supplies

Advocates for World Health

The heart of Advocates for World Health lies in our tangible actions–shipping crucial medical supplies where they’re most needed. This page lets you peek behind the curtain, highlighting our efforts in sending these life-saving supplies to clinics and hospitals in places like Haiti, Jamaica, Honduras, and Guatemala.

The photos you’ll find here aren’t just images; they represent the journey of a medical item, from being redundant in one part of the world to becoming indispensable in another. Coupled with our impact statements, they tell stories of real-world change, illustrating how something as simple as redistributing supplies can dramatically improve healthcare for a community.

Behind every shipment, there’s a commitment to sustainability and a vision for better global healthcare. We believe in not just talking the talk, but walking the walk. Through these pages, we hope you’ll see the direct impact of our mission in action.

Comedor Infantil Rabinal [Rabinal Children’s Dining Room] started out as a project established by a group of local nuns in the town of Rabinal, in the Department [region] of Baja Verapaz, Guatemala. Its aim is to provide a nurturing environment to children who live in conditions of poverty and in need of day care.

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Comedor Infantil Rabinal [Rabinal Children’s Dining Room] started out as a project established by a group of local nuns in the town of Rabinal, in the Department [region] of Baja Verapaz, Guatemala. Its aim is to provide a nurturing environment to children who live in conditions of poverty and in need of day care.

“The need for personal protective equipment has grown tremendously due to the spread of COVID-19 in our country,” said Opal Noble-Rhoe, our in-country partner representative. Not only did medical personnel require these items for their own safety, but the entire population also needed it.”

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Rising gang-related violence continues to threaten the people of Haiti. Many residents, even while injured, are afraid to leave their homes for fear of getting shot. Incidents of sexual violence against women and young girls, as well as boys being recruited by gangs, have been reported in Haiti and homes have been destroyed by fire.

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Due to the gang violence in Martissant, a communal section located at the southern tip of Port-au-Prince, Raoul Pierre Louis Community Referral Hospital, located in the town of Carrefour, has seen an increase in the number of patients they are treating.

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In Haiti, access to health care is becoming more and more expensive. The country’s health system, often ineffective in comparison to the population’s needs, reflects the political instability and economic deprivation the country suffers from day to day. The weakening system puts families – especially the most vulnerable – at risk for chronic, contagious and fatal diseases.

Thanks to generous organizations such as Advocates for World Health, FFTP was able to provide useful medical equipment to community health centers and hospitals located in the north and northeast regions of the country. The equipment enables these institutions to better serve the destitute people of Haiti.

“As the founder and manager for Centre Hospitalier Sainte Marie de Dilaire, I feel grateful to the donors of Food For The Poor for all the work they are doing to help the Haitian people,” Dr. Genet Pierre said. “This center was founded in 2016, by the community and for the community, and a maternity ward was added in 2019.

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FFTP Haiti_PO 38387_8.11.2021-DT
FFTP Haiti_PO 41053_5.13.2022-DT
DRR -Haiti earthquake infographic
Haiti earthquake infographic
Disaster Response Report

The blessing of a nebulizer for someone who has breathing issues – especially a young child – is priceless in a country like Honduras where medical supplies and equipment are scarce in medical facilities and unaffordable to most private citizens.

The great demand for nebulizers is attributed to the rising incidence of chronic respiratory diseases, not to mention the rising cases of coronavirus in a country like Honduras where the toll, as of November 10, 2021, has been 376,595 confirmed cases and 10,313 deaths reported by the World Health Organization.

Since respiratory viruses are the most common trigger for patients with asthma, there has also been an increased demand to treat asthmatic patients in many regions of the country, both urban and rural.

“Thanks to the generous donation made by Food For The Poor’s donor Advocates for World Health, we were able to supply many clinics with a nebulizer, equipment that is of much value to both children and adults who suffer fromrespiratory problems,” said our in-country partner representative, Heydy Bu.

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Efrén never imagined how his life could change in an instant. The sole provider for his wife and four children, he recently suffered an automobile accident that caused the amputation of his right foot.

“For someone in need of durable medical equipment, especially devices required to help the person walk and move around, this is truly a blessing,” said Byron Paredes, our in-country partner representative.

“Like Efrén, are many Guatemalans looking for the right medical device that will help improve their living conditions,” Byron said. “Wheelchairs, walkers, commodes, and canes are just a few of the equipment that we were able to distribute throughout rural departments [regions] north and west of Guatemala City; most notably, Alta Verapaz, Sololá, Totonicapán and Quiché.

“The equipment has a great impact on their daily living and allows them to live a more dignified life,” Byron added. “We are so grateful for this donation. It is because of the continued assistance that we receive from Food For The Poor and its generous donors that we are able to help the people of Guatemala.”

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There are so many people in need of durable medical equipment, especially in the countries that we help. While these items are considered essentials to many, they are seen as luxuries in the countries that we serve.

Vital to the many people whose mobility depend on walkers, wheelchairs and more, these items are a true blessing to those lucky enough to receive one.

The National League Against Cancer (INCAN) in Guatemala was founded in 1953 and its financing comes from three sources: donations, charges from individuals with payment capacity and allocation from the Ministry of Public Health.

INCAN was one of the beneficiaries to receive a donation of medical supplies and equipment made possible by Food For The Poor’s generous donor Advocates for World Health and distributed by our in-country partner Caritas Arquidiocesana.

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Advocates for World Health Inc. is a 501(c)(3) and all donations are tax deductible. EIN 26-4695101.